Best Probiotics For Horses

After we wrote the article on The Best Resource For Grooming Brushes For Horses. we had readers writing in, asking for advice regarding the best probiotics for horse. Probiotics are pretty essential in diet. This applies for humans and animals alike. Probiotics does serve a very specific purpose, and I think it is very timely that we conduct the best probiotics for horses reviews.

Best Probiotics For Horses

Probiotics are essential for horses so that their entire system is running smoothly and properly. This is paramount as it helps to regulate the horse’s body and condition it to be ready for races or for events. Owners usually feed probiotic supplements to the horse to that there are good bacteria in the horse’s stomach. You might be familiar with Yakut or Vitagen, right? Think of probiotics for horses in the same way as you think Yakut or Vitagen does for the human body.

The probiotics for horses usually come in a powdered form, and they contain Lactobacillus and its various strains as well as other good bacteria that will help enhance and protect your horse’s digestive system. With that, let us take a look at some of the more popular probiotic for horses that will help your horse in multiple ways.

1. VETS PLUS Probios Feed Granule for Horses

Best Probiotics for horsesThe VETS PLUS Probios Feed Granule for Horses is one of the more popular probiotics for horses that is available on Amazon. The health benefits that it can bring is totally amazing.

Indeed, some owners have reported that their horses’ condition became better after the regular intake of this probiotics. You are talking about horses who are suffering from diarrhea being totally cured after consuming this affordable and quality probiotics.

This probiotic is actually a good source of live and naturally occurring micro-organism. It does not contain any artificial food nor genetically modified substance. Usually, you can blend this with your horse’s food. If they are being stubborn, you can mix it together with your horse’s favorite treats.

What we like

  • Affordable
  • Good levels of bacteria
  • Very popular on Amazon
  • Cures digestive problems in horses

What we don’t like

  • None
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Our Rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars (4.9 / 5)

2. HealthyGut Maintenance Probiotics for Horses

Best Probiotics for horsesThis HealthyGut Maintenance Probiotics for Horses is another top quality probiotics for horses that you might want to consider for your beloved horse. What makes it stand out is that there are up to 25 different species of probiotics in this probiotics for horses.

It contains Boulardii. which is known to be able to help horses with their digestive system. To control diarrhea, the bacteria Propionibacterium freudenreichii will come into play, which is also available in this tub of probiotics for horses too.

What we like

  • Affordable
  • Effective
  • Clears digestive system
  • Loads of good bacteria

What we don’t like

  • None
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Our Rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars (4.9 / 5)


The above-reviewed probiotics for hoses are popular on Amazon. To be completely honest, it really doesn’t matter which probiotics are you willing to purchase for your horse, as both of them are pretty similar to one another.
